Acupuncture is a traditional medical practice that originated in China over 2,000 years ago. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body called meridians, stimulating various physiological and therapeutic effects. Acupuncture moves any stagnate energy "qi" promoting our bodies back into a state of homeostasis. Acupuncture effects the central nervous system, thus activating the body's natural healing process. Our bodies are amazingly intelligent and know what to do if given the proper environment. For this reason, Acupuncture is quickly becoming many's first line of defense in addressing their health.
Cupping therapy dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures. One of the oldest medical textbooks in the world, the Ebers Papyrus, describes how the ancient Egyptians used cupping therapy in 1,550 B.C. The method is used to move qi and blood deep within and on the surface of the body. Glass cups, are filled with a flammable substance such as alcohol, and lit on fire. Once the fire goes out the heat creates suction and the cups are applied to the skin. The suction causes the skin to rise and the blood vessels to expand. The cups are generally left on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and can be used to treat conditions such as neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, headaches, common cold/flu symptoms, asthma, and painful periods. According to the British Cupping Society, cupping can be used to treat blood disorders such as anemia and hemophilia, arthritis, fibromyalgia, fertility and/or gynecological disorders, eczema, acne, high blood pressure, and anxiety and depression, amongst other things.
E-stim, or 'electroacupuncture' uses a small amount of electrical current from electrodes to run through a needle to stimulate specific Acupuncture points. The electrodes are commonly used in pairs so that the electrical impulses can travel between selected points. A large benefit of this method is that it allows varying levels stimulation without constant movement or manipulation of needles. During a typical treatment, needles are inserted and the patient is left to rest with the needles for 20-30 minutes. E-stim provides stimulation to the points while the patient is resting. E-stim is effective on treating conditions such as: sciatica, migraines, arthritis, injury of knee ligaments, tennis elbow, bone fracture, intestinal adhesion pain, kidney and abdominal pain. Although E-stim is used to treat a wide variety of issues, it is especially effective in the treatment of neurological diseases, including chronic pain, spasm, and paralysis.
Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese healing modality that involves scraping of the skin’s surface with a smooth-edged tool to promote circulation and relieve stagnation. Acupuncturists may use this modality for various reasons. Some of the benefits include promoting circulation, reducing muscle tension, helping the body’s natural detoxification processes, reduced pain and discomfort in muscles, and even to clear cold or flu symptoms.
This technique will often lead to a pink/red discoloration on the surface of the skin, known as "sha". It is not painful and is a great modality that might be used in an Acupuncture session.
Used in Asia for thousands of years, moxibustion commonly called Moxa, uses the Chinese herb mugwort or common wormwood (Artemisia vulgarism), which increases blood circulation. The herb is applied to the top of the Acupunture needle or directly on the skin to warm the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians and promote smooth flow of qi. This in turn, strengthens the blood and blood flow, and finally helps to maintain a strong general health.
Dietary therapy is a key component in Oriental medicine, and differs from western nutrition. The focus is placed not only on the nutritional content of a specific food, but also on its properties such as season, color, taste and temperature. Emphasis is placed on awareness of the foods we eat, when we eat them, and even how we cook them. Through diet we believe that one can maintain internal balance, both mentally and physically, prevent disease, and assist the body in healing itself holistically.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates
Lifestyle Coaching is something we feel very strongly about. Our goal is to help you take your power back and take charge of your health and wellness. We are here to support and encourage you along your journey. We believe there are many tools required to keep your toolbox full and ready to get you through all of life’s challenges. We will discuss many different tools to empower you for your individual unique needs and circumstances. We will cover many topics; some examples include breathing, meditation, Chinese dietary suggestions, sleep, exercise, and stress management. Our goal is to motivate you to make manageable, positive changes to your life so you can achieve long lasting results and enhance your overall wellbeing.